Eurima’s governance and structure
Eurima is a not-for-profit association active in the areas of research (content), EU-oriented public affairs (policy) and general industry and product communications (visibility).
Its governance model is designed to deliver the objectives of its yearly work-programme, as developed in the Eurima Committees, proposed by the Eurima Board and approved by the yearly General Assembly.
The European Insulation Manufacturers Association is registered in the EU Transparency Register under the TR ID number 98345631631-22.”
The Eurima board

Claus Bugge Garn
PresidentRockwool Group

Pascal Eveillard

Quentin Galland
Vice-PresidentKnauf Insulation

Anthony Abbotts
MemberRockwool Group

Emmanuel Normant

David Ducarme
MemberKnauf Insulation

Jari Airola
MemberOC Paroc

Efren Del Pino Iglesias

Konstantinos Anastasiadis
Small members rapresentativeFibran